Evolution Of Punk Episode 1

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List of X Men Evolution characters. The entire X Men roster as seen in the series finale. The series X Men Evolution featured a diverse cast of complicated characters. A common staple of the series was whether a particular person had chosen their allegiances correctly, with several instances of a character switching teams. Teachers. He is very similar to his comic book counterpart, only more casual. Like the comic Professor X, he is still somewhat secretive, if only for the protection of his students. He occasionally visits Juggernaut, who is in suspended animation. Wolverine. He is also in charge of the students combat and survival training and is famous among the students for his apparently difficult and challenging methods, as well as his strict and unyielding teaching manner. On a side note, he is the only X Man to change his uniform at the beginning, he wears an incarnation of his classic orange black uniform with his characteristic bladed mask, but then swaps it for a dark, maskless uniform very similar to the version found in the Ultimate X Men comic in the third season. The Evolution Of Punk Episode 1Phillip Jack Brooks born October 26, 1978, better known by the ring name CM Punk, is an American mixed martial artist, comic book writer, and retired professional. Daily coverage of the pro wrestling industry. Download our free mobile app on iOS Android for the latest wrestling news. XMen Teachers. Professor X Charles Xavier voiced by David Kaye is the teams telepathic mentor and financier. He is very similar to his comic book counterpart. XMen Evolution 20002003 is an XMen animated series that, like Marvels Ultimate Universe and the movies, rebootedretooled the universe to one where many. His powers superhuman senses, strength, durability, agility and longevity, healing factor, and adamantium claws and skeleton are identical to his comic incarnation. He also is known to give the students nicknames, for instance, for Kitty Pryde he calls her. Storm can summon lightning from a benign sky, manifest violent storms, call up freezing blizzards and bring all forms of precipitation to bear. She can even harness the power of wind, allowing her to fly. Ororo is known for her calm personality and regal manner, and she was even worshipped as a Goddess in Africa due to her ability to summon the rains. In the comics, Ororo is an only child and an orphan in Evolution, she has a sister named Vivian and a nephew, Spyke. Storm is the first to notice Evans powers at his basketball game in New York. In both Evolution and the comics, Storm is claustrophobic, which is shown in African Storm, though the show does not reveal the origin of her ailment she was trapped under wreckage following the accident that killed her parents. While Storm is one of the X Mens most popular and recognizable female members, she plays a smaller role in X Men Evolution. Beast is similar to his comic counterpart in most ways, though the Evolution version speaks more casually. He was originally a gym coach and chemistry teacher at Bayville High before his latent transformation into the ape like Beast could no longer be controlled with the medications he had formulated upon first learning of his mutation. This change of fortune forced him to retire and join the X Men, where he could continue to teach. Watch Frankie And Johnny Streaming. It was during the initial discovery of his mutation that he became acquainted with Professor Xavier. Students. Contrasting with many other incarnations, Cyclops is not the aloof, doubtful loner, but a handsome and confident leader who exudes natural authority, although he is still somewhat standoffish. While the other students tend to look up to him, his competitive nature and closely held temper will get in the way at times. He is the most officious and rule abiding of the X Men and the least likely to fool around. After the third season, Cyclops and Jean Grey began teaching the younger students at the Xavier Institute how to better control and utilize their powers. Like the comics version, he has optic blasts that can only be controlled by special visors made of ruby quartz. This Cyclops also owns, drives, and maintains a car. Magneto once tried to control him by inventing a machine that would let Scott control his blasts at will, but Scott soon destroyed his machine and later had to use his visor again. Jean Grey voiced by Venus Terzo was. However, she is more insecure than her comic book counterpart. Unlike many mutants who began as social outcasts and came to find their horizons expanded through their association with the Institute, Jean starts out from a high position of status. After the third season, Cyclops and Jean Grey began teaching the younger students at the Xavier Institute how to better control and utilize their powers. Jean Greys unique telekinetic mutant abilities allow her to manipulate matter through the force of thought alone and generate force fields, and tap into the minds of others with telepathic powers. This incarnation of Jean occasionally has trouble controlling her powers, and suffered at least one major loss of control as she experienced a sudden surge in their scope. Various hints dropped throughout the seasons indicate that she, like her original version, is destined to assume the mantle of the Phoenix Force. After graduating from high school, Scott and Jean became teachers at the institute. It is hinted that she is afraid of clowns. Nightcrawler Kurt Wagner voiced by Brad Swaile is the teleporting humorist of the team. The Evolution Nightcrawler is very similar to his comic version and has a friendly big brother relationship with Cyclops. During his early days at the institute, he was still feeling very insecure about fitting in. In the first season, Kurt was quite immature and childish however becomes much more mature ever since season 2. Nightcrawlers Catholicism was not transferred from the comics. Kurt is the biological son of Mystique, but was raised by kind foster parents in Germany instead of being abandoned by Mystique, she accidentally dropped him over a bridge while escaping Magneto, and when she saw he had been taken in by foster parents, she decided to let him remain with them. He speaks with a German accent, although he makes a concerted effort to use vernacular typical of an American teenager for instance, he often exclaims. For much of the show, Nightcrawler uses a holographic image inducer in public to hide his appearance. It is later revealed that Rogue is his adopted sister. It seems that he and Kitty Pryde have a very close friendship. Shadowcat Katherine. She initially had a thick valley girl accent, but it was eventually phased out after the first season. She is the second youngest member of the team her culinary skills are a constant source of dismay among the others. Kitty led a very sheltered life before joining the X Men and was initially afraid of Nightcrawlers. When Lance gets out of control, Kitty joins the X Men instead, although Lance still had feelings for her. At the very beginning of Season 2 Kitty also develops romantic feelings for Lance when he risked his life to save her from a falling mascot statue, and they begin dating. However, during Season 3 when Principal Kelly convinced The Brotherhood to gang up on the X Men, Kitty felt betrayed by Lance and they both realized that as long as they are on rival teams, their relationship would not work out. At the end of Season 4, during their fight against Apocalypse, Avalanche did end up protecting Kitty against Magneto, who was Apocalypses minion at that time and they reunite. Rogue voiced by Meghan Black, a serious departure from the comic Rogue, is a reclusive, paranoid goth who speaks with a heavy Southern accent. She has a great deal of angst with respect to her powers, which keep her from ever safely touching anyone. At first annoyed by Nightcrawlers joking behavior, she becomes close to him after learning that she is his adopted sister, and both renounce Mystique for abusing them. The series established no birth name for Rogue and gave no hints to it after her introductory episode. Rogues mutant ability allows her to draw upon the aspects of another memories, habits, speech patterns, powers. It is uncontrollable and possibly deadly. Rogue was in love with Scott during the first, second and third season and generally was hostile towards Jean because of it but eventually she gets over him and approves of his relationship with Jean. She shows a romantic interest in Gambit during the season three episode,. Home. The DVM Podcast Empire story began in the Summer of 2. David Vox Mullen approached his friends Keith Connor and Eric Olsen to start a podcast with him about the upcoming ABC show, Flashforward. The podcast, Flashforcast, launched on August 2. Before long, Flashforcast had attracted new contributors such as Iain Mac. Kinnon, Maz Lopez and the Co Producer of Flashforward itself, Quinton Peeples. Since then, the DVMPE has expanded into a huge world wide team who have produced over 6.