Gossip Girl Season One Episode 3

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Gossip Girl Music Soundtrack Complete Song List. The Internets best source for music from TV and movies since 2. Copyright 2. 01. 7 Tunefind LLC. All rights reserved. Times Gossip Girls Real Identity Made Absolutely No Sense. The revelation that Dan. Co creator Stephanie Savage has claimed that Dan as GG was always the plan, and that the pilot even had to be recut because one sequence seemed to make the twist too obvious. Advertisement Continue Reading Below. But unless the writers conceived of Dan as a sociopath from day one, this just doesnt fly. Gossip Girl Season One Episode 3' title='Gossip Girl Season One Episode 3' />Thematically, its elegant Dan was the ultimate pseudo outsider, wanting to believe he was better than the Upper East Siders while secretly longing to be one of them. Dan literally writing himself into their narrative, penning snarky commentary on his relationships with Serena, Blair, et al while playing the innocent nice guy, is a potentially amazing antihero story. Thats not the story Gossip Girl ever committed to telling though. The show wanted to paint Dan both as a sensitive hero who deserves to get the girls, and as a master manipulator whos basically Brooklyns answer to The Talented Mr. So is this actually a psychological thriller about a teenage sociopath with dissociative identity disorder Lets take a look at 1. Dan HumphreyGossip Girl cross sections. When hes shocked by this GG update about the masked ball Season 1, Episode 6,. Why are you pretending to be shocked when youre alone in your kitchen The exposed brick doesnt care that youre Gossip Girl. Side note This is also the episode where Vanessa comes back to town and gets all self righteous about her former hipster bae Dan now being into the Upper East Side scene. So Dans childhood BFF has no idea that he has any interest in the scandalous lives of Manhattans elite, let alone that hes Gossip Girl. Something aint right here. Not Currently Airing. The last episode of Gossip Girl, New York, I Love You XOXO, aired on as season 6 episode 10. Gossip Girl. Official Facebook page of the Gossip Girl series. When he outs Serena for buying a pregnancy test Season 1, Episode 1. But the blast shows Serena, who is Dans girlfriend at this time, buying a pregnancy test, thus sending the entire school and Dans dad into a tailspin. Why would Dan ever do thisGossip Girl Season One Episode 3Oh, and then theres this gem about Blair later in the episode Looks like the Virgin Queen isnt as pure as she pretended to be. Whos your Daddy, B Baby Daddy that is Two guys in one week Talk about doing the nasty, or should I say being nastyEw, TBH. When he spreads rumors about his 1. Season 1, Episode 1. But the way he as Gossip Girl talks about his 1. Breaking News Asher Hornsby overheard bragging that Little J swiped her V card at his register. Didnt anyone teach you, Little J You shouldnt give away the ending if you want him to pick up the book again. And then, a few scenes later. She spread lies instead. Dan Humphrey redefining the worst since 2. When he outs Dan and Serenas secret reunion Season 2, Episode 3,. Serena persuades him that they should reveal all at Blairs upcoming party. Maybe Dan decided to pre empt Serenas plan out of pure spite, but what kind of a petty asshole would. This one makes total sense. Advertisement Continue Reading Below. When he outs Dan and Serenas faux incest Season 2, Episode 1. After learning about their long lost sibling, Dan and Jenny understandably decide to keep it quiet but Gossip Girl takes the first opportunity to spill the incestuous beans, making Dan and Serenas barely reconciled relationship super awkward. The blast goes like this It seems D and S share a sibling While Im always a fan of star crossed lovers, at least Romeo and Juliet didnt share DNA Advertisement Continue Reading BelowWhen he outs himself as a cheater Season 2, Episode 1. Admittedly, Dan and Serena had a lot of other issues at this point, but the. The only explanation that makes sense is that Dan has a Mr. Hyde esque alter ego who really hates Serena and is constantly trying to sabotage their relationship. Or he just wants to make himself look like a stud. Watch In The Company Of Men Download there. Either way, ugh. When he reveals his sister is a drug dealer Season 3, Episode 2. Jenny was a total social climber, second only to her brother in her desperation to get on the inside, so shed definitely use the GG access to her advantage. But being outed as a drug dealer did not help her social standing in any way, and shes clearly really upset about it in this episode. Thanks for nothing, bro. When he creates a Dan vs. Nate poll Season 4, Episode 2,. This might make sense if Dan had won in a landslide, because you know hed be all about rigging it. But in the end, nobody wins, because Dan and Nate both passive aggressively start dating other girls before Serena gets back from Paris. So whats in this poll for Dan, other than the probability of public humiliation when Nate inevitably beats him When he is shocked about Georginas beachside shenanigans Season 4, Episode 3,. And once again. Like really though, does he think the bricks have eyes When he spread the news of Serenas overdose Season 4, Episode 1. Touching, right Then comes this Gossip Girl blast Afternoon, Upper East Siders. Were your dinners as filling as mine was Hope not, because have I got some dessert for you. With sugar on top. It seems everyones favorite party girl fell off the wagon and landed right in rehab. Good luck getting a Lohan dle on things, S. From the looks of it, youve got a lot to recover from. In the same episode, Dan makes a self righteous speech to Lily about how he sees the good in Serena, and is clearly super enjoying his hero status in comparison to everyone else in the room. DIE IN A FIRE, DAN HUMPHREY. When he blasted out a video of Blair confessing her love for Chuck Season 5, Episode 1. So Dan is at Blairs clearly doomed wedding to douchey prince Louis, standing right up at the altar, definitely not typing. Right as Blair finishes her walk up the aisle, a Gossip Girl blast comes out with a video of Blair confessing her love for Chuck. That conversation happened about five minutes earlier, so unless Dan did some incredibly speedy typing and auto publish scheduling, he must have a Gossip Girl intern doing the posting for him. The bigger question mark is why Dan would want to publicly humiliate Blair, a woman he claims to love. Oh, right because hes a terrible excuse for a human and has already been pulling that nonsense with Serena for five seasons. Right after ruining the wedding and letting Chuck take the blame, Dan whisks Blair away and Nice Guys her all the way to the airport, presumably cackling under his breath like the supervillain he is.