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Sara Amato (November 13, 1980) is an American professional wrestling trainer and retired professional wrestler better known by her ring name Sara Del Rey.

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Leaf Ranger Fan. Fiction. Author has written 1. Naruto, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Dead Space, Transformers/Beast Wars, Legend of Zelda, Inheritance Cycle, Assassin's Creed, and Mass Effect. Name: Arashen Uzuma, Leaf Ranger, Leaf, LR, Elroth, or Shadow. Take your pick. Age: Whatever I want it to be. Gender: That's for me to know, and none of you to find out. I am a huge fan of the medieval era, Naruto, sword based video games, and most middle age based books.

Oh, and Harry Potter. I am not a fan of flamers. If you don't like what I write, then don't read it. Anyone who sends me a flame simply has nothing better to do with their time. However, I will gladly accept any constructive criticisms, and definitely good reviews.

If I seem to copy anyone, I truly do not mean to. I have a few inspirations from some of the fanfics I have read, but I do not mean to rip off anyone else's ideas. If I do, please tell me so I can fix the problem. Also, I don't really know Japanese, so unless the word or title has always been in Japanese, I'm going to write certain jutsu's and phrases from Naruto in English.

Like "Granny Tsunade" or "Shadow Clone Jutsu". Sorry, it's just the way I am.

The Nintendo World Championship is coming back this fall, Nintendo said today. Qualifying matches will take place at Best Buys across the United States, so “World. The Blatant Lies trope as used in popular culture. This page is blank! There's nothing to see! Nothing at all! So one of the characters has a secret, one. Alex: VID: YouTube - Alex wakes up in a house with corpses and ghosts. Alex on SexyAmazons SexyAmazons: Very prolific 3D artist with thousands of pics uploaded. Watch funny videos and video clips at Our editors find the best funny videos, clips and pictures for you to watch right now.

Lastly, I'm a great admirer of the works of Marchgirl, Fester. Alicia Kawa Uchiha, pink. Chewie Cookies, lord of the land of fire, Allan Pike, Raider. XV, Stigma, VFSNAKE, Wandering Wonderer, Lady Tsuki Kitsune, Kyuubi. Agent- G, all of whom are on this site. I also really like the works of Water. Dragon. Boy. 15, TRKwriter, Hinatakid, kikifangirl.

You. Tube. I thank anyone who does read my stories and gives me good reviews or tips. Have a good one. Quotes. Disclaimer: I don't own any of these that are from someone else, or from a movie or TV Show, or whatever."Trust your beliefs, and your blade.

They will get you through life" Me"Believe, and you shall receive!" Indy Green"I won't run away anymore.. I won't go back on my word..

Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze (Maelstrom Whirlpool Hurricane)"There is always hope." Aragorn"It doesn't matter. I believe anyone can be what they want to be, or do what they want to do, so long as they believe in themselves. I'll always believe in you, so believe in yourself." Arashen Uzuma"Love is powerful.

True love, that's just life itself." Me"What's the point in living, if you can't feel alive?" Elektra King"When life gives you lemons, reach across the counter, shove them in life's mouth, and say 'I ordered apples. Where are they?'" Me"If I knew what was going on, would I be asking?" Me"If you were me, then I'd be you, and we wouldn't be having this conversation, would we?" Me"If it was easy, what would be the point?" Me"Oh shift." Me, usually when something bad is happening."I wish I knew what happen. Then I could blame someone." Me"I'm on a quest for snackage." Me, when I'm hungry"When life gives you lemons, make apple juice, and just say, 'I'm that good'." Me"When life gives you lemonade, pour life a glass, and when life drinks it, tell them you put arsenic in it. Watch the spit take." Raging. Starr, my sister."Oh bugger." Captain Jack Sparrow"Wicked." Ron Weasley"When life gives you lemons, realize anyone can make lemonade. So instead, make lemon meringue pie." My mom."Plans never survive first contact with the enemy." Erdrick. When life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade.

Then find someone whose life is giving them vodka, and have a party." - Ron White (sent to me by Trey. This is your life..

Narrator, Fight Club"Having the love of your life break up with you and say, "We can still be friends," is like having your dog die, and your mom saying that we could still keep it." from the profile of sandgirl. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.. Curiosity killed the cat.

Well, that, and my shotgun." Me"Stand and fight! That way, while he kills you, I can stab him in the back." Me"Sniper, schmiper.

This will take care of him." Me, before blowing someone up with a rocket launcher."Run for your lives, but let me go first!" Gerentex, Andromeda episode 1. You just missed Tyr's cavalry act.""They were playing Wagner. The most fun I've had in about six months." Beka Valentine and Tyr Anasazi, Andromeda episode 1.

You're wrong. I am TYR! Anasazi! Out of Victoria by Barbarrosa! AND I.. WILL NEVER .. SURRENDER!" Tyr Anasazi, Andromeda episode 1. Remember kids. A smart guy knows when it's time to RUN LIKE A LITTLE B#$%!" Desert Punk, Episode 1" To often, we lose sight of lifes simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you it takes 4.

BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and bitch- slap that mother.. Pass it on.." no clue where it's from"only in their dreams can men be truly free It was always thus and always thus will be." Robin Williams"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world." Robin Williams"What's right is what's left if you do everything else wrong." Robin Williams"to stand alone is suicide, but to stand with friends is to live." kurobushou"life's a lesson, you'll learn it when your through." line from 'take a look around' by limp bizkit"A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice." bill cosby"Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before." mae west"Every man dies. Not every man really lives." William Wallace"Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was a suspect." Steven Wright"Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company." Mark Twain"If life gives you lemons make grape juice and make everyone wounder how the hell you made grape juice out of lemons." C.

D."Love it, Hate it, Live it." C. D.'s motto"Don't worry bout tomorrow, or yesterday but live for today." C. D."Still in the night.

I alone cry. Alone cry for someone. To be at my side. For a moment I want to be loved.

To never feel. An empty and hollow lonliness again." C. Watch Brigadoon Online Hulu. D."We came, We saw, We kicked Asssssssss!!!!!"- ninetails.

Arrive, raise hell, and then leave."- ninetails. Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright law on the planet."- Mark Twain"Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life." - Terry Pratchett "Love is temporary insanity curable by marriage." - Ambrose Bierce "You're about as useful as a one- legged man at an arse kicking contest." - Rowan Atkinson. If toast always lands butter- side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?" - Steven Wright"I can resist everything except temptation." - Oscar Wilde "If at first you don't succeed.. So much for skydiving." - Henry Youngman "To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness." - Oscar Wilde "I have nothing to declare except my genius." - Oscar Wilde "The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends.

If they're okay, then it's you." - Rita Mae Brown"I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally." - WC Fields "When a man steals your wife there is no better revenge than to let him keep her." - Sacha Guitry "They looked at me the wrong way, so they're gunna die." - Gaara"Yeah, you keep saying those inspirational speeches. Meanwhile I'll be busy over here, winning the game." - Me"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings." - Optimus Prime"New Day.

New Opportunity."- Darth Void Sage of the Force"Rest in peace.. Me, after assassinating a major target in any Assassin's Creed game"No where to run, no where to hide, and no one to stop me."- Me, as I track down a target in any Assassin's Creed game"Stop using Super Potion on your Pokemon you bastard. And let me kick your damn ass already!" - C. D."WHAT YOU MEAN TO TELL ME MY PARENTS DIED BECAUSE WE PISSED OF A HORMONALLY CHARGED FOX WITH A CHOCOLATE CRAVING?!" - Iruka from Naruto Arrancar, by King of the Fallen."I don't know you, you don't know me, but we can tell by the blood and gore I'm trigger happy." - Demon.