Watch Revelation Road: The Beginning Of The End Online Facebook

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The Prophecy Watchers. Kind words from our friends"Congratulations to Gary Stearman and Bob Ulrich for the valiant job they have done through the years of faithful Bible prophecy teaching. Now, they are launching out on a new step of faith continuing the work God has called them to – teaching Bible prophecy and making available high quality prophecy helps for pastors and Bible teachers. The Bible has the answers to what is going on in this chaotic world and these two men are committed to getting out God’s truth, which today is desperately needed. I am confident God will bless their faithfulness to Him and His prophetic Word – and this new ministry."– Tim La. Haye"I call Gary Stearman Elder Brother, and there's a good reason for it. Gary is further up the trail than I am.

Watch Revelation Road: The Beginning Of The End Online Facebook

It is a title of respect for a man whose Biblical knowledge surpasses most everyone I know. When I'm not sure of some Bible passage or need clarification, I bounce it off my Elder Brother. Peggy and I wish Gary and Bob well with their new ministry, Prophecy Watchers."– L. A. Marzulli"As a follower of Gary Stearman’s articles and books for many years, I know him to be a faithful and solid expositor of God’s Word, especially where it pertains to prophecy.

His insights are truly amazing! He and Bob Ulrich have taken a bold step to establish a new ministry, dedicated to upholding high standards of interpretation. More than that, they consistently maintain the long tradition of systematic theology that has provided Christians the kind of comfort and confidence that brings peace amidst the growing tumult and anxiety so typical of these last days. My best wishes and prayers go with both of them in their new and faithful venture."– Tom Horn, Sky. Watch Why We Fight Online Hitfix here. Watch. TV"Two of Christianity’s most important sages are about to author a new chapter in the end time’s story.

The Lord has challenged Gary Stearman and Bob Ulrich to champion a new ministry called “Prophecy Watchers.” Like a piano tuner to the pianist, Bob and Gary have formed an inseparable relationship that is destined to soar into new uncharted heights. Gary has provided the prophetic community with years of sound dispensational teaching, while Bob has filtered through volumes of Christian manuscripts to uncover only the best biblical books. Watch Year Of The Comet Online Freeform. Together, they have provided us prophecy watchers with our timeliest teachings. Watch The Lives Of Others Online Ibtimes'>Watch The Lives Of Others Online Ibtimes. Gary and Bob’s new excellent adventure promises to put the prophetic puzzle pieces together like never before, so that we can all glean a greater glimpse of what’s in store for the world’s future."– Bill Salus, Author and founder of Prophecy Depot Ministries.

We count it a blessing to have hosted Gary Stearman and his ministry during our 2. Prophecy conference. Since that time I have come to know Gary as not just a watchman of our day but a true Bible scholar who God has uniquely qualified hence equipped to speak Gods truths about His Second Coming. I see Gary’s primary gifting in helping us to use Gods Word to make sense out of all the chaos in and around the world today. During our last trip to Oklahoma City we were amazed at how God is continuing to raise up and equip Prophecy Watchers as one of the preeminent End Times ministries of our day. Bob, Gary, and Doris, well done, keep up the good fight, and we thank you for all of the hard work and help you give to Pastors and the church.– Pastor Tom Hughes, endtimestv. In a day when “ear- ticklers” and “scoffers” abound, it is a great encouragement to me that God has opened a new door of opportunity for Gary Stearman and Bob Ulrich.

These are men of personal integrity with a sterling reputation and long track record of proclaiming the more sure word of prophecy with clarity, confidence and urgency. What a joy that their talents will continue to be widely used of God in the proclamation of the rich and comforting truths contained in the premillennial, pretribulational and dispensational teachings of the Scripture. They stand on the shoulders of a long line of faithful scholars, such as Darby, Scofield, Chafer, Walvoord, Ryrie, Pentecost, La.

Haye and others, in the proclamation of the Word of God in these last days! From a “sister ministry” in Oklahoma City, I pray God’s richest blessing on Gary and Bob in this new faith venture!– David Schnittger, President – Southwest Prophecy Ministries.

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Watch Revelation Road: The Beginning Of The End Online Facebook

You are here: Home / Christian News / Prosperity Gospel Gone Wild: Joel Osteen’s Witchraft – Myles Munroe charging over $100 To Watch Church Services.

NASA astronaut and biochemist Peggy Whitson will return to Earth as the planet’s new record holder for longest time cumulatively spent on space by an American or a. On Wednesday, Facebook announced the rollout of Watch, what it is calling “a new platform for shows on Facebook.” It’s yet another foray by the social media. Prophecy Watchers is a weekly television program, email newsletter and online bookstore hosted by Bible Prophecy expert Gary Stearman. TIFF Live. From September 7 to 17, TIFF will broadcast live on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter, giving you inside access to Festival. Whether you're down.