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Brannon Howse and Jimmy De. Young Collaborate with Mac. Arthur on Mark of the Beast. Brannon Howse who leads Worldview Weekend did a show about one year ago with Jimmy De. Young, who was his guest and is also one of his contributors.  I was shocked at the program.  I had not been previously aware of John Mac. Arthur's comment regarding the mark of the beast so this short five minute program slapped me right in the face.  It began with the two of them sitting at a table.  I could paraphrase, but why do that when I transcribed the entire conversation which was a five minute program, including everything said at John Mac. Arthur's Q& A.  I'm putting this on here because these men, Brannon Howse with Worldview Weekend and Jimmy De.

Young need to be exposed, just as Mac. Arthur has been exposed, for being fraud's.  I did write Brannon Howse a 7 page letter giving him every scripture refuting his lie.  He did not answer me.  We severed all connections with him and his ministry.  I would also like to warn people that Brannon Howse and most of his contributors are Calvinists.  He still refuses to acknowledge that and I believe he must do this for fear of losing serious contribution money.  Irregardless of what he claims, they are Calvinists.  If you walk like a duck and talk like a duck, then you are a duck.  You know what's sad about all these frauds is that a part of their ministry is exposing frauds!  Unbelievable!  I will just go ahead and give you the conversation that anyone can hear on You Tube, address provided at the end.  Please note their interpretation of how and when things take place during the 7 year tribulation.  It is quite dizzying.  These guys have taken the Revelation of Jesus Christ and twisted it into a lying end times scenario to fit their Masonic agenda.

Brannon:  I've got a surprise for you today. De. Young:  Okay. Brannon:  Do you remember when someone asked about the mark of the beast and whether or not someone could receive the mark of the beast and then become a believer?  Do you remember that?

De. Young: Unhuh. Howse:  Do you remember the controversy that stirred up? De. Young:  Yes. Howse:  It was quite a bit, wasn't it?

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De. Young:  It was. Howse:  I got a lot of emails saying, "I can't believe he (Mac. Arthur) would say such a thing!  Remember all that? De. Young:  Yes, sir, I do. Howse:  Alright.  Well, I was walking April (his dog) the other night listening to a Q& A from a few years ago how John Mac. Arthur on a Wednesday night would let folks in his congregation stand up and go to the microphone and shoot questions at him.  Would you like to hear the question that was asked and his answer? De. Young: (laughs) Yeah!

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Howse: (laughs) Okay, here we go. Person in John Mac. Arthur's church congregation:  This is in regard to about half way into the tribulation when men will be required to have the mark of the beast in order to buy or sell.  My question is, once a person takes the mark is there any possibility of him coming to Christ? Mac. Arthur:  Yes, I think in the seven year tribulation coming in the future, we're going to get into this probably this next Sunday night, but the tribulation is a seven year period, right?  The rapture happens, 7 year tribulation, then Christ returns and sets up his Kingdom.  Now in that 7 year period really two things begins to happen.  God begins to judge the world with a series of holocausts, at the same time he begins to redeem his people Israel.  In the process of this the anti- Christ establishes his rule and in order to function in the economy you have to take the mark of the beast.  The mark being the number of a man, Revelation 1. Six (6) is the number of man, right?  Seven (7) is the number of perfection and man always falls short of perfection.   6.

So apparently what's going to happen, you take the mark on your hand or on your forehead and we've talked a lot about that, that's kind of a computer situation.  We are now moving fast toward the time when we are going to have to do everything we do by cards and by numbers and all of that, and those numbers.. Now, the question is:  IF you are living in the tribulation period and you take this mark, in other words you identify with the beasts empire (emphasis mine), will you still be able to be redeemed?  And I think the answer to that is YES!  Yes! Otherwise there would be no salvation of anybody in the end of the tribulation and you've got to have salvation of folks at the end of the tribulation.  You're going to have the Jews redeemed.  You're going to have according to Revelation 7 an innumerable number of Gentiles redeemed so many that can't even be counted from across the face of the earth.  So I don't think the fact that someone takes that is a sentence to permanency anymore than you being a part of this world's system once in your life means you have to be a part of the system all of your life.  Especially when the 1. That would make it a little tough!"  End.

Howse :  Well, there you go Dr. De. Young. De. Young:  (laughing)  Well, we're looking at the same book.  You know, that's what's so interesting and that's what we were saying.  That's not the unpardonable sin.  You've got to be... The fact is, if nobody gets saved during the last 3- 1/2 years, because they have received that mark, there's that unbelievable number of Jews that come to Christ that are living and actually go into the millennial kingdom in their natural bodies.  It's good that Brother John is looking at the same book that I am and came up with the same answer. Howse:  Well, it is!  And that was very interesting because you remember that was really, really controversial.  I don't..

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I'm not so sure you've ever made a statement on our program before that was as controversial as that one and I got so many emails on it.  And then I was walking the dog the other night listening to this Q& A and I thought, "Oh, I've got to play this on the air.  This will be a great surprise for Dr. De. Young. De. Young:  Well, it is a pleasant surprise.  The dear brothers and sisters who disagreed, you know, I don't quite know where they were coming from, I don't need to know that, but just now with that confirmation from another bible teacher and he's a great bible teacher, I'm just a beginner.  But, ah,(both laughing)Howse:  No, I wouldn't say that.  Come on. De. Young:  It's great to see that and the great confirmation of both of us believing that same thing, I wonder how many more emails you're gonna get now! Howse:  Oh, well!  Oh, well! De. Young:  You've got two guys on your side that are pretty good, right?

Howse:  I think so, too.  I think so, too. De. Young:  Well, we both love you and love what you're doing and I have the opportunity to interact on your program. Howse:  Well, the feeling is mutual, thank you.

You can hear this for yourself on You Tube @Well, Jimmy De. Young says so condescendingly, "The dear brothers and sisters who disagreed, you know, I don't quite know where they were coming from."  Well, Jimmy, let me tell you where we are coming from.  Revelation 1. And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, (1. The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: (1. And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. God, and the faith of Jesus. Watch Jack Goes Home Online Jack Goes Home Full Movie Online. AND, Revelation 2.

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